Everyday Interactions
This topical guide will introduce you to important books, videos, and information resources available from the EI Clearinghouse and other sources. Contact us via online form or by phone (1-877-275-3227) to request a resource listed below (or ask your local public librarian). Note that some videos may be viewed online, and journal titles will take you to the publisher’s homepage.
Table of Contents
EIC Resources
This book is packed with simple, highly effective suggestions for strengthening critical skills during daily routines, from dressing in the morning to getting ready for bed.
Effective early intervention doesn’t stop when the provider leaves the family’s home. Targeting 80 skills in 6 key developmental domains for children birth to three, this reader-friendly guide gives professionals dozens of ready-to-use ideas for helping families and caregivers embed learning opportunities in their everyday routines.
This comprehensive resource walks readers through every key step of the early intervention journey with children birth to 3, from the crucial first meeting with a family to the child’s transition out of intervention.
This book highlights 65 essential activities that use play as a vehicle for teaching and skill-building. With options that focus on everything from fine and gross motor skills to observation and investigation skills and beyond, these activities are guaranteed to delight your little one while introducing fundamental concepts and sparking curiosity.
Your child’s daily routines are transformed into learning opportunities that promote crucial abilities, such as how to imitate others or use simple hand gestures to convey wants and needs.
With a focus on how families and professionals can collaborate effectively so that infants and toddlers learn, grow, and thrive, this book reflects research and best-practices in the field of early intervention. The book includes a chapter on assessment and planning outlining how parents and professionals can work together throughout the process.
Videos and Media
This the first of a three part series of short videos featuring three current early intervention service providers sharing their insights into providing supports and services using a routines-based approach. Part 1 features an experienced interventionist sharing her personal journey from a clinical approach to one focusing on family routines and activities as the context for effective early intervention.
This the first of a three part series of short videos featuring three current early intervention service providers sharing their insights into providing supports and services using a routines-based approach. Part 2 features three early interventionists discussing and demonstrating what intervention looks like when it is provided by collaborating with families during their natural routines and activities.
This the first of a three part series of short videos featuring three current early intervention service providers sharing their insights into providing supports and services using a routines-based approach. Part 3 features three early interventionists sharing their insights about how they evolved their practices towards a more effective, routines-based intervention approach.
This video from the United Kingdom’s SenseCharity shares a lot of ideas for using common items you might have around your house to provide different sensory experiences and play exploration activities.
This agency helps families, health care providers and education professionals understand childhood hearing loss and the importance of early diagnosis and intervention.
This research-based program believes that advances in science provide a powerful source of new ideas focused on the early years of life.
Professional association for those who work with or on behalf of young children with developmental delays or disabilities. Multiple resources for professionals.
Florida State University supports this ongoing research endeavor that focuses on developing and validating an early intervention approach that incorporates the Part C of IDEA mandates and the recommended evidence-based practices for supports and services for young children with special needs and their families.
This network of local campaigns works through partner organizations to ensure that children aged birth to age three experience the “basics” for a great start in life. The community toolkit includes an assortment of videos, handouts, presentations, and implementation guides to help caregivers encourage parents to engage with their infants and toddlers in fun learning experiences either at home or in playgroup settings.
This article describes two advances in the field of early intervention and addresses future directions for the field.
This article describes the characteristics of interest-based participation in everyday family and community activities promoting child learning and development.
Families and caregivers are their children’s first teachers, and even if early interventionists visited children every day, families and other caregivers still have more opportunities to impact their children’s development. The most efficient way to do this is to support the family’s ability to maximize natural learning opportunities and embed intervention into their own activities and routines.
This article synthesizes the available studies regarding responsive interaction intervention (RII) for children with or at risk for developmental delays. The results of the reviewed studies indicated that implementation of RII resulted in significant positive changes in adults’ responsive behaviors and children’s emotional and social-communicative outcomes.
This article describes how families and teachers can partner to promote the development of young children with special needs.
Web Resources
The Child Outcomes Summary Process (COSP) is a way for states to summarize data on children for federal reporting purposes. States use the Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) to document children’s functioning in three outcome areas. This website offers a variety of tools and resources on the COSP and COSF.
These tips will assist the early intervention provider and the families they serve to learn how to embed strategies into a family’s natural routines.
With these tips, you can help your preschooler build the knowledge, skills, and habits he or she needs to become a reader and a writer later on.
Here are some tips that can help your child learn basic measurement concepts.
You can help your child learn bout the sun, the moon, and the clouds in the sun with these tips from the Illinois Early Learning Project.
This resource guide is intended to be used by leaders to facilitate discussion at regular meetings about the use of coaching during EI visits. These could be staff meetings, regional provider meetings, or even at a local community of practice.
This set of age-based handouts include a “what to expect” chart for each age range, frequently asked questions, a research summary, and information about common parenting challenges for each age and stage.