The Early Intervention (EI) program ensures infants and toddlers with developmental delays, certain diagnosed medical conditions, or other factors that put them at risk of substantial delay have the best chance for healthy development. Children can access a range of therapeutic, developmental, and social-emotional services while their families receive coaching and support to further the gains of their children. Live video visits (LVV) are one option for you and your child to receive early intervention services.
Resources for families
- Tip sheets – the Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse has produced several tip sheets to help families understand their role in early intervention services and at the EI visit, whether in-person or during a live video visit. These include:
- Everyday Early Intervention – this series of tip sheets describes the skills that children learn during family routines and how adults can encourage new skills
- Live Video Visits Tip Sheets – tip sheets that describe live video visits and how families and providers can work together virtually
- EI Basics – tip sheets that include information to help families navigate their EI experience from assessment to transition and everything in-between
- Child Development tip sheets provide information about the development of young children.
- Videos – these short videos describe families’ experiences with live video visits and provide demonstrations of live video visits
- Blog posts
- Coaching: An Essential Part of Early Intervention – this post describes the concept of coaching in early intervention
- Routines in Early Intervention – this post provides examples of ways to work on early intervention outcomes during family routines
- EI Service Delivery Family Decision Making Considerations – this post describes the service delivery options in early intervention in Illinois
- Resource Guides – these topical guides will introduce you to important books, videos, and Web resources available from the EI Clearinghouse.
- Family Technology Checklist – this document helps families to prepare for live video visits
- Technology Loan Program – the Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse has a limited supply of iPads and hotspots to loan to families for live video visits in early intervention
Resources for EI providers
- Telehealth Resource Guide – this topical guide will introduce you to important books, videos, and Web resources available from the EI Clearinghouse.
- Live Video Visits (Telehealth) Resources from the Early Intervention Training Program – Key resources related to the use of live video visits (aka “telehealth”) in Illinois Early Intervention
- Mobile Coaching – Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI) and Caregiver Coaching promotes the ability of early intervention providers to coach caregivers to engage their young children in learning as they participate in everyday routines and activities that are meaningful to them
- 10 Strategies for Engaging Parents (not Children?) during Tele-Intervention – Early interventionists use coaching skills to engage parents during virtual visits conducted using video conferencing technologies
- Welcoming Families to Mobile Coaching – Mobile coaching has a strong evidence-base and is a tool for providers to use in ongoing supports to families in early intervention
- Conversation Starters for Providers – These questions and statements can help begin the conversation about choosing a service delivery mode for early intervention