By Illinois EI Telehealth Workgroup
Families work in partnership with their other team members (e.g. service coordinator, providers) to make informed decisions about the outcomes, services and service delivery methods appropriate for their child and family. Families, along with their team members, may choose to use one of the service delivery methods defined below or use a hybrid (or mixed) approach to service delivery as needs and priorities change.
Early Intervention (EI) services, regardless of service delivery method:
- Are designed to build on the child/family’s strengths and meet the needs of the child/family in culturally and linguistically responsive and affirming ways;
- Are based upon the family-identified functional outcomes in the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP);
- Use a coaching approach to service delivery and focus on building caregiver capacity;
- Focus on learning opportunities and interventions embedded into naturally occurring routines and activities with family members/caregivers;
- Do not require or expect children to sit and attend for extended periods of time;
- Consider the scheduling needs and preferences of the family/caregiver;
- Comply with privacy, confidentiality standards, and adhere to legal safeguards;
- Must be individualized and flexible to adapt to changing priorities and circumstances of families
If you have questions, you can ask your service coordinator or email your questions to the Bureau of Early Intervention:
Decision Making Considerations
Live Video Visits (LVV)
EI services are provided using a virtual platform to connect with the parent/caregiver and child in real time via the internet using video and audio features. Early interventionists who choose to deliver EI services through LVV are required to participate in training on LVV.
- Flexibility to schedule during different times of the day within a variety of routines with multiple caregivers
- Access to technology (laptop, tablet, phone, and reliable internet). If the family needs technology and/or data plans, they can contact the Early Intervention Clearinghouse for a free device.
- Comfort level and family culture/values around using technology within family routines/childcare settings
- Family/childcare setting accommodations/physical space conducive for using technology
- Privacy/Confidentiality considerations (e.g., is the space private for an EI live video visit?)
- Associated costs for access to technology/internet (e.g. data usage)
- Billable to insurance and subject to family fees, if applicable
- The availability of a provider to begin services in a timely manner
Phone Consultation
EI services are provided by an early interventionist in real-time, by phone, without video.
- Access to guidance and support without coordinating a block of time to be in-person or on LVV
- Privacy/Confidentiality considerations (e.g., is the space private for a phone call?)
- Not intended for long term use as it is a temporary service delivery method
- Not subject to insurance or family fees
- Family can share a video of the child engaging in a routine; the provider can discuss the video over the phone
In-person visits
EI services are provided with the parent or caregiver, and an early interventionist working together, physically present in the same location, within a home or community setting.
- Health/Medical complexities of the child/household members and associated risks involved with coming into close contact with individuals outside your family
- Willingness to wear a mask by family members and early interventionists
- Child’s responsiveness to new people and/or people with masks within their environment
- Comfort level of inviting early interventionists into a family/childcare environment
- The availability of a provider to begin services in a timely manner
- Billable to insurance and subject to family fees, if applicable
EI services are provided by a combination of In-person Visits, Live Video Visits and/or phone consultations.
- Flexibility to respond to child/household health concerns and other family priorities that may cause a EI visit to be canceled
General Resources
- Technology Loan Program (Early Intervention Clearinghouse)
- Early Intervention (EI) Principles
- Parent Perspectives on Live Video Visits
- Family Technology Checklist for Live Video EI Visits
- The Illinois Early Intervention Program: A Guide for Families
- Coaching: An Essential Part of Early Intervention
- The Family’s Role in Early Intervention Visits
- Family Tip Sheets on Telehealth
Spanish Resources
- Programa de Intervención Temprana de Illinois: Guía para las familias
- El entrenamiento, componente esencial de la intervención temprana
- El papel de la familia en las visitas de la intervención temprana
- Recursos para familias sobre la teleterapia (visitas por video en vivo)
Related Resource(s)
- Resource Guides: Telehealth