EIC Technology Loan Program

mom and child reading

The Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse is pleased to announce we are loaning technology to help families in early intervention participate in live video visits, or telehealth. Many EI families are receiving services by live video visits. To help families with technology needs, the EI Clearinghouse has added several technology devices to the lending library:

  • iPads with a cellular data plan (device and internet access)
  • iPads without a cellular data plan (device)
  • Hotspot with cellular data plan (internet access)

1/6/2025 update: We currently have a waiting list for iPads and hotspots. All tech loan requests will be added to the waiting list. Please respond promptly to communications to ensure you receive a device as one becomes available.

To apply to receive the technology, please complete our Device Loan Request Form. Only one iPad will be loaned to each family.

Technology Loan Program Information and Forms

Families can work on EI outcomes during play and daily routines. We hope these resources help you think about everyday moments in the kitchenwhen doing the laundry, or playing on the couch and turn them into fun learning opportunities for your family. In addition, please contact us to request books and DVDs for you and your child to use at home.

This FAQ will help answer common questions that you may have about our tech loan program.

This program is funded in part by a COVID-19 grant from Arc of Illinois in partnership with the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development.

Publication date: 2023