Spring 2024 Newsletter focuses on Communication

The Spring 2024 edition of the Early Intervention Clearinghouse newsletter is available on our website in English and Spanish.

The newsletter highlights the benefits of using simple sign language with all young children and introduces families to the Child Life Specialist. The main article introduces common signs that can be used with very young children. We also share an informative article on a little-known, but very helpful, child development expert, the Child Life Specialist. Many EI Families may meet a Child Life Specialist while at a hospital or clinic having a test or procedure or possibly staying overnight. In addition, this newsletter features a tip sheet explaining communication from a child’s perspective. The English language version contains a recommended list of resources on Infant & Toddler Sign Language, while the Spanish language version provides a list of Fun Books for Families.  You will also find an update on the State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP), a Spring Newsletter Giveaway, and information on the upcoming Family Town Hall and the public comment period for proposed changes to the early intervention rules in Illinois. 

flier with information about the family town halls in 2024

Town Hall Meeting for Families on Tuesday, May 7

The director of the Bureau of Early Intervention is hosting virtual town halls with families of children in early intervention. During this time you can share your experiences, ask questions, and voice your suggestions to improve early intervention. Benny Delgado, Chief of the Bureau of Early Intervention, will be present to personally answer questions and respond to comments. These meetings will be held online and information will be presented in English and Spanish. REGISTER BY completing this form OR contact Sarah Isaacs, Email: isaacs@illinois.edu or Phone: 217-265-6875. 

About the Clearinghouse

The Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Clearinghouse identifies and collects research-based and best-practice early intervention information to share with families. We are a resource for you; contact us via our online form or by phone at (877) 275-3227. In addition to our website full of recommended digital resources, we have a lending library of books, eBooks, audiobooks and videos elated to the development of young children with special needs and their families.

Please let us know if you need any resources or information; we are always happy to help!

Sarah Isaacs, Library Director
Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse

Publication date: 2024