Families Can Borrow an iPad or Hotspot for Live Video Visits

Many EI families are receiving services by live video visits. To help families with technology needs, the EI Clearinghouse has added several technology devices to the lending library:

  • iPads with a cellular data plan (device and Internet access)
  • iPads without a cellular data plan (device)
  • Hotspot with cellular data plan (Internet access)

To request a device, please complete our Device Loan Request Form.

For more information about live video visits, see our tip sheet Introduction to Early Intervention (EI) Live Video Visits: Frequently Asked Questions.

The iPad has helped a lot. There are sensory applications that speech has me using. PT will play music or a video while she’s doing her exercises (as she’s more likely to do them like that).

What Other Families Have Said After Receiving iPads

The iPad is working well!! … We still use it for PT and vision therapy. I appreciate this program.

It’s amazing. Thank you so much. It’s been great help. I have Zoom 3 times a week. It’s a great help.

Thank you, you guys for helping my child. God Bless you all for this program!!

Thanks so much for the lend! It has been working perfectly!! Thank you.

Publication date: 2023