Assistive Technology for Infants and Toddlers
This topical guide will introduce you to important books, videos, and information resources available from the EI Clearinghouse and other sources. Contact us via online form or by phone (1-877-275-3227) to request a resource listed below (or ask your local public librarian). Note that some videos may be viewed online, and journal titles will take you to the publisher’s homepage.
Table of Contents

EIC Resources
This text covers assistive technologies, their use, a glossary of terms, a history of the field, standards of performance, case studies, and more.
This book is a reader-friendly guide to recommended AT practice for children birth to 5. Early childhood professionals and parents will learn about the broad spectrum of AT supports for children with disabilities—from low-cost, low-tech options such as Velcro and homemade switches to higher tech options such as speech-generating software.
This book discusses communication devices, assistive computer technology, self-help devices for people with disabilities, special education, technological innovations, and educational technology.
This book is helpful for parents looking to learn the different options for deaf or hard-of-hearing children. It contains information ranging from tests to cochlear implants and other hearing devices. This book also offers unbiased information on communication options like: Auditory-Verbal, ASL-English Bilingual, Cued Speech, Auditory-Oral, and Total Communication.
This book contains 26 chapters written by experts in assistive technology (AT). Intended for caregivers, teachers, and clinicians, this guide provides specific information on technical options available, expertise requirements, specific goals, and ideal applications of AT.
Divided into daily living categories such as “At Home,” “Meal and Snack Time,” etc., this guide for parents and professionals offers simple, do-it-yourself solutions for anyone who wants to help infants and toddlers with disabilities participate more fully in recreational and other daily activities. Also available as a downloadable PDF.
This guide was written for both parents and professionals. It explains how to obtain, evaluate, and make the most of assistive technologies in helping young children with special needs.
This book addresses specific pediatric skill sets and employs an interdisciplinary perspective. Each chapter incorporates case studies and discussion questions.
This story celebrates that which makes us all unique, but also highlights how sometimes a little help is needed to show us how much we are alike. When Katie is introduced to assistive technology, she is finally able to communicate with her new friends.
Videos and Media
This free training, presented by the Utah Assistive Technology Program, covers assistive technology ideas for early intervention including: positioning, mobility, adaptive play, computer access, and daily activities of feeding and bathing that are available commercially and/or customized.
This DVD shows classrooms where assistive technology is being used to help student with disabilities to become more confident, independent learners.
This online training sponsored by Utah Assistive Technology Project, covers various types of assistive technology used to support symbolic communication development and the initial strategies to teach children how to communicate using these various communication devices. The training is useful for parents, teachers, speech language pathologists or other professionals who work with children who would benefit from using assistive technology to support communication.
This video series introduces early intervention and early childhood specialists, parents and others to assistive technology for children with disabilities ages birth to 5.
There are several myths around the use of assistive technology with young children. This video series explores these myths and debunks them. In this first video we look at the perception of assistive technology as only computers and tablets and explore the range that makes up assistive technology.
USC University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), 2000
This kit and video provide training materials for professional in-service presentations. Materials cover the purposes of assistive technology (AT) for young children, legal requirements, a family-centered approach, and teaming around AT.
This Apples Video Magazine presentation demonstrates how children use assistive technology as a learning and inclusion tool.
The definition of Assistive Technology
The Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) is a national, member-based non-profit organization, comprised of state Assistive Technology Act Programs funded under the Assistive Technology Act (AT Act). ATAP facilitates the coordination of state AT Programs nationally and provides technical assistance and support to its members.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the center offers many free, downloadable guides and fact sheets on assistive technology that are appropriate for professionals and families. Spanish language materials are also available.
Family Matters provides disability-related information, referrals, telephone consultation, parent trainings, a lending library, and more for families of students and adults with disabilities. Live and online conferences, workshops, and other events are available. Family Matters serves all Illinois counties except Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will.
Created by parents, professionals, and volunteers, FRCD seeks to improve services for all children with disabilities through parent training, special education rights seminars, and information assistance and support through telephone and mail requests. They also maintain an extensive list of Parent Support Groups
IATP’s mission is to increase access to and the acquisition of Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services for individuals of all ages with disabilities.
The Kids Equipment Network matches adaptive equipment to a child’s needs in order to make life more accessible. Monthly clinics custom fit kids with equipment that will help them better interact with their world.
Young children who receive early intervention and early childhood special education services (EI/ECSE) may require accommodations to ensure equal access to the same opportunities as peers with typical development. Teachers should be prepared to effectively incorporate research-based AT and IT strategies into their teaching, to provide the highest quality education to the students they serve.
This article provides a concise overview of the various types and uses of assistive technology and the benefits for young children.
Adapted from the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles training for professionals and parents. Part 1 explains the importance of assistive technology in the development of young children experiencing delays.
Adapted from the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles training for professionals and parents. Part 2 explains the practicalities of obtaining assistive technology devices.
Web Resources
The page on AT includes an overview, information on federal and state laws on AT, training resources, information on universal design for learning, and several extensive bibliographies of articles on AT and early intervention.
For EI Providers, remember that the Early Intervention Provider Handbook also includes the service description, qualified staff, and billing codes and rates for Assistive Technology in the Illinois Early Intervention System.
Find many free, downloadable guides and fact sheets on assistive technology, which are appropriate for professionals and families.
This easy-to-read downloadable PDF fact sheet explains assistive technology through a helpful question-and-answer format
Every child is unique, but some children face extra physical or learning challenges. Parents often have questions about sources of information and support. This Q & A addresses many of the questions that parents have asked the Illinois Early Learning project staff over the past few years and suggests resources that parents of young children may find useful.
This article provides advice on trying out different assistive technology devices in the home.
This portion of the PACER Web site offers an on demand video series to help educate and inform parents and professionals about using assistive technology with young learners.
This article offers tips on choosing toys and easy adaptations that can be made for children with disabilities.
This site provides several articles on assistive technology. Topics include a description of AT, examples, and school-related issues.