Links to audio and video related early intervention topics.
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) YouTube Channel
The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) is the professional, scientific, and credentialing association for more than 166,000 members and affiliates who are audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists.
Baby Steps: Learn the Signs. Act Early
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, September 2008.
Almost seventeen percent of children in the United States have some sort of developmental delay or behavioral disability. This podcast provides basic insights about how parents can monitor their children’s development, and what they can do if they suspect a delay or disability.
CDC’s Early Recognition Of Child Development Problems
It’s time to change how we view a child’s growth. Do you know all the ways you should measure your childs growth?
Colorado’s Results Matter Video Library – Early Intervention
Developed to be used in professional development activities to give early care and education providers an opportunity to practice observation and documentation skills.
Connecticut’s Birth to Three System: Early Intervention Home Visits
This video shows what families in Connecticut’s Birth to Three System can expect during a home visit. It includes explanations about a primary provider model, parent coaching, and using typical daily routines
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: Can Your Baby Hear?
Centers for Disease Control, June 2007.
This podcast discusses how important it is that every child receives a hearing screening as soon as possible after birth. It also gives specific ways that parents and health providers can find out if a child has a possible hearing loss and where to get further information.
Infant Sleep Corresponds to Growth
Scientific American, May, 2011. (60-Second Science)
When babies start to sleep more, chances are they’re probably growing more, too.
Use of Technology with Evidence Based Early Intervention Video Series
These eight videos, produced by the Ohio Association of County Boards of DD, illustrate how video, video conferencing, and related technologies can improve access to, and the quality of, supports for families as well as better enable teams to practice evidence-based early intervention services.
Virginia EI Professional Development Center Video Library
These videos address a variety of topics and represent EI as provided in a variety of states.