Six-Month Review: An Important Part of the EI Process

This resource was developed in partnership with the Early Intervention Training Program for professionals to share with families.

A key part of early intervention is monitoring the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), celebrating the progress, and modifying the outcomes, strategies, and supports as a team. The six-month review is an opportunity for families and other team members to talk, solve problems, and plan together!

Who needs to be there?

At a minimum, the service coordinator and the family or caregivers must be present. However, if changes to the IFSP are needed, the full IFSP team must be present to discuss and reach consensus.

What happens prior to a six-month review?

Service coordinators will provide at least a 10-day notice to families and request a six-month progress report from the other team members. Before the scheduled review meeting, the EI providers supporting the family will submit a six-month report, which must summarize the child’s progress and response to intervention related to the IFSP outcomes.

How can I prepare for my family’s six-month review?

You may want to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Has my child made progress?
  • Do the outcomes require different or additional services?
  • Have my priorities for my child/family changed?
  • What additional services might my child need in the future?
  • Has my child met the IFSP outcomes? Are new outcomes appropriate?
  • Has my family met the IFSP outcomes? Are new outcomes needed?
  • Has my child’s developmental/social/medical history changed?

How will the six-month review affect my child and family?

A six-month review is required by Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It is also an opportunity to take stock of your child’s and your family’s progress toward meeting IFSP outcomes. The team may agree that significant progress has been made, some outcomes have been achieved, and/or that the family requires continued support to achieve the stated outcomes. Whatever the consensus, the IFSP might shift in terms of outcomes, strategies, or early intervention service frequency/intensity. The overall goal is to improve your child’s and your family’s success in early intervention.

Written in collaboration with the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program.

Publication date: 2018