My name is Karen, and I am the mother of a 3½-year-old little girl who has gone through the Early Intervention Program. She was conceived through in vitro fertilization. Born at 24 weeks and weighing 1 pound 5 ounces at birth, she spent 3 months in the neonatal intensive care unit and came home on oxygen and with an apnea monitor. At 6 months, she was diagnosed with torticollis and plagiocephaly, which required physical therapy. She wore a helmet for 4 months. She does have a history of lung disease and was hospitalized twice; one time she required intubation, which was a very scary time for me and my family. My daughter received developmental, occupational, physical, and speech therapy through the Early Intervention Program. She achieved age-appropriate skills before her third birthday. She has made the transition to our local school district preschool program, and she continues to amaze me every day!
Karen: Early Intervention Works
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