Resources for Occupational Therapists
This topical guide will introduce you to important books, videos, and information resources available from the EI Clearinghouse and other sources. Contact us via online form or by phone (1-877-275-3227) to request a resource listed below (or ask your local public librarian). Note that some videos may be viewed online, and journal titles will take you to the publisher’s homepage.
Table of Contents

EIC Resources
No resources have been added to this section yet. However, new resources are added frequently!
This book covers early intervention, laws, child development, assessments, and more. This is targeted specifically to occupational therapists and has basic information, activities, and resources.
This book covers many physical and mental health issues such as ADHD, carpal tunnel, etc., and gives information about how to work with a patient with one of the included issues.
This book covers the basics of occupational therapy and sensory integration. It describes the sensory systems and has strategies and activities for enhancing these sensory skills at home, at school, and in childcare settings. Another topic in this book is strategies for challenging behaviors.
This book is intended for physical therapists helping children aged 5-18. It includes activities to help movement and increase gross motor skill ability. It provides detailed descriptions of how gross motor tasks can be accomplished through incremental stages, culminating in the achievement of the specific task.
This guide includes topics about working with children, goal setting, intervention, occupational performance coaching, among many other things.
This book has multiple occupational therapy activities for children to strengthen sensory processing, motor, social-emotional, and cognitive and visual processing areas. These activities can be done at home at any time.
This eBook is an occupational therapy handbook with contents of developmental disorders, sensory disorders, nervous system disorders, etc.
This book is a guide for newly qualified occupational therapists provides an authoritative overview of what to expect in your role and work settings and is full of practical guidance on how to make good start to a successful practice.
Only available as an eBook
This book is a friendly, down-to-earth survival guide occupational therapists need to deliver their important services effectively as apart of an inclusive school team.
Videos and Media
This DVD shows how to put physical, occupation, and speech therapies in daily routines in classrooms. This video is intended for teachers, administrators, and therapists.
All children in the classroom benefit from having physical, occupation, and speech therapies embedded in daily routines. Research shows that children with and without IEPs improve their skills as a result. Planning, communication, and the support of the administration are key factors in the successful implementation of integrated therapies. Sound like a daunting task? View this video to see teachers, administrators, and therapists discuss how this model works, and how they implement their various roles in the classroom. It is evident that these teams are driven by the positive impact the integrated therapy model has on ALL children.
This DVD demonstrates how to incorporate movement into lessons and how to calm down students. Sensory situations that could arise in school are addressed. Major topics in this video are motor skills, posture, individual sensory needs, incorporating movement into teaching, and transitions.
This DVD is an introduction to occupational therapy and shows how helpful it is to children with behavior or sensory issues. This video gives parents ways to integrate OT into their homes. Topics include motor planning, oral motor, visual motor, organization of behavior, and more. This video targets children older than 2 ½.
Professional association for occupational therapists. Multiple resources for professionals. View their information related to children and youth.

This article provides information on how to integrate the sensory integration theory into practice and discusses the various methods that can be used. Case examples are used, and various approaches and examples are shown.
This article explains how important pretend play is during occupational therapy and developing social and motor skills and gives recommendations to occupational therapy professionals on integrating pretend play into their work.
Web Resources
This website allows parents or occupational therapists to search by skills, which generates a list of activities that promote the specific skill they are looking for. There is another option to search by materials where you input what materials you would like to use (balls, paper, etc.) and a list of activities using those materials is generated.