IFSP Review

An IFSP can be changed. As your child grows and develops, what’s important to you may change, requiring new or different services. The EI team can change services to better meet the needs of your child and family.

You and your IFSP team will review your child’s progress every six months and update the plan at least once a year. If your needs change, you and your team can meet more often to change the plan if needed. The purpose of the IFSP review is also to determine whether your child continues to be eligible for the EI program or whether your child has met developmental milestones and no longer needs services.

To prepare for an IFSP review, you may want to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Has your child made progress?
  • Do the current outcomes require different or additional services?
  • Have your priorities for your child changed?
  • What services might your child need in the future?
  • Has your child met the outcomes of the IFSP? Are new outcomes appropriate?
  • Has your family met the IFSP outcomes? Are new outcomes needed?

Next Step: Transition