Public and private EI services, resources and experts available in the state.
The Illinois Early Intervention Process
Anyone can refer a child to early intervention—parents, physicians, other health care providers, child care providers, social service agencies, early learning programs, etc. Once a referral is made, it is up to the family to decide whether they want to participate.
All Kids: Healthcare for All Kids (DHS)
The All Kids program offers Illinois uninsured children comprehensive healthcare that includes doctors visits, hospital stays, prescription drugs, vision care, dental care and medical devices like eyeglasses and asthma inhalers.
Bureau of Early Intervention
The Illinois Department of Human Services, Bureau of Early Intervention, serves as the state’s lead agency for IDEA Part C. The Bureau administers the statewide Early Intervention Services system in coordination with its administrative partners – EI Training Program, Central Billing Office, EI Clearinghouse, EI Monitoring, and Provider Connections – as well as with the 25 Child and Family Connection (CFC) offices located around the state and the EI providers. The basis for all policies and procedures for Early Intervention are:
- The Early Intervention Services System Act (325 ILCS 20)
- The Administrative Code, Part 500
- The Principles of Early Intervention in English revised 01/2021 – as approved by the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention (IICEI)
- Principles of Early Intervention (in Spanish) revised 01/2021 – as approved by the Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention (IICEI)
Child and Family Connections (CFC)
The 25 CFC offices serve as the local contacts for the Illinois Early Intervention Program. Call the office in the region where you live to get started.
Division of Specialized Care for Children
Established in 1937, and administered by the University of Illinois at Chicago, the Division of Specialized Care for Children (DSCC) is the Illinois Title V agency that provides care coordination for families and children with special health care needs. DSCC, governed by Administrative Rules, helps children with disabilities, and those who have conditions which may lead to disabilities, grow and develop to the full extent of their abilities.
Early Intervention Technical Assistance and Monitoring Program
Supports families and the early intervention system by ensuring the Early Intervention Services they receive are being delivered in compliance with applicable policies and procedures, and supports the continuous improvement of these services to ensure the needs of families are being met.
Early Intervention Training Program (EITP)
EITP provides training opportunities for early intervention professionals in Illinois.
Grupo Salto
An independent support group in the metropolitan Chicago area for Latino families that have children with autism. Grupo SALTO works to provide the member families and their community with insight and hope into all aspects of living with autism. Grupo SALTO is committed to providing ongoing culturally competent state of the art information, support and services that meet the needs of the families and their children. Resources in Spanish.
Illinois Assistive Technology Program
IATP’s mission is to increase access to and the acquisition of Assistive Technology (AT) devices and services for individuals of all ages with disabilities.
Illinois Developmental Therapy Association
The Illinois Developmental Therapy Association (IDTA) is a non-profit professional organization that promotes and supports the interests of Developmental Therapists in their efforts to provide the highest quality services to children with disabilities and delays and their families.
Illinois Early Intervention Central Billing Office (CBO)
Oversees the payment of Early Intervention services in the state of Illinois.
Illinois Early Intervention Clearinghouse (EIC)
The Illinois Early Intervention (EI) Clearinghouse identifies and collects research-based and best-practice early intervention information to share with families.
Illinois Occupational Therapy Association
The Illinois Occupational Therapy Association (ILOTA) is the official representative of the occupational therapy profession in the state of Illinois. ILOTA acknowledges and promotes professional excellence through a proactive, organized collaboration with occupational therapy personnel, the health care community, governmental agencies and consumers.
Illinois Physical Therapy Association
The IPTA strives to improve the health, wellness, and quality of life for the people in Illinois through physical therapy.
Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ISHA)
ISHA strives to serve as a source for the public in all matters related to delays, disorders and difference of speech, language, hearing, feeding and swallowing.
Illinois WIC (Women, Infants and Children) Program
This program aims to assist low-income and nutritionally at risk women who are pregnant, women who are currently breastfeeding (up to infant’s 1st birthday), nonbreastfeeding postpartum women (up to 6 months after the birth of an infant or after pregnancy ends), infants (up to 1st birthday) and children up to their fifth birthday. Benefits that are provided to participants through the Illinois WIC program includes supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition education, counseling at WIC clinics, screening and referrals for other health reasons, welfare and social services.
Local Interagency Councils (LICs)
LICs emphasize planning at the local level to identify and coordinate all resources and services available within each CFC local service area. LICs are coordinated by the CFC offices.
Parent Information & Training Centers (PTIC)
Federally-funded agencies that provide information, referral, linkages, and training to parents, students with disabilities, and special education professionals. Through a toll-free help line individuals can get assistance with special education problems or concerns, obtain information, and request training opportunities. Trainers offer free workshops on special education rights and responsibilities and related topics.
- Family Resource Center on Disabilities – Serves the following 8 Illinois counties: Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will.
- Family Matters – Serves the state of Illinois outside of the Chicago Metropolitan area.
Provider Connections
Provider Connections is contracted by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) Bureau of Early Intervention to credential, enroll, and provide technical support to EI providers.
- You can search all the credentialed Early Intervention providers through the Provider Connections database.
The Autism Program (TAP)
The TAP Service Network is the largest comprehensive statewide provider of autism services in the country. A collaboration of 17 agencies operate 19 centers across the state to provide services to children, families, educators, day care providers, and medical professionals.