Social-Emotional Supports for Children and Families During COVID-19

By Re-Open Illinois EI Workgroup

Emotional Well-Being Tool Kit
This kit includes a video introduction and ways to communicate with children about COVID-19, activities to help children understand COVID-19, materials about children’s emotional well-being, self-care for parents, and engaging learning activities while at home, as well as other resources. The tool kit includes links to some materials in Spanish and other languages.

Supporting Young Children at Home During COVID-19
This website includes one-page graphic tip sheets about resources, strategies, and activities for young children. The tip sheets include topics such as staying safe, play time, fighting germs, social distancing, returning to childcare, and talking about your child’s feelings. Tip sheets are also available in Spanish and other languages.

Social-Emotional Resources
The Early Intervention Clearinghouse has books and other materials about addressing social-emotional needs in young children. These materials can be shared with families. Materials are available in several languages.