EI Services COVID-19 Family Update

By Dr. Meghan Burke

We hope you and your family are doing well. This is an update from the Early Intervention Clearinghouse about relevant resources for the Early Intervention (EI) Program during COVID-19.

  • You have three ways to receive EI services: in-person, Live Video Visits (LVV), and phone consultation. Recently, Illinois has started allowing EI Providers to have in-person visits with 20 families, instead of 10 families. For more information on what to consider when deciding how to receive EI services, visit Frequently Asked Questions About Resuming In-Person EI Services for Families .
  • The EI Training Program compiled a list of relevant resources about LVV in EI. The list includes an overview of LVV, resources for Service Coordinators, technology checklists, resources for EI direct service providers, and resources for families/caregivers.
  • If you need technology (e.g. devices, Internet access) to participate in live video visits, you may consider:
    • Technology for LVV
      This tip sheet provides resources for accessing technology and Internet access for LVV.
    • EIC Technology Loan Program
      The EI Clearinghouse is loaning technology (i.e. iPads with data plans, iPads with WiFi, and WiFi hotspots) to families/caregivers for free.

There is a workgroup comprised of relevant stakeholders (including families and providers) addressing EI needs during COVID-19. For weekly updates about the workgroup, see COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information and Resources on the EI Provider Connections Website.

We will continue to update you about changes to the EI Program. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to Meghan Burke (meghanbm@illinois.edu).

Thank you.